Monday, May 29, 2017

15 sentences your interviewer doesn't want to hear

The nervousness that come while sitting in-front of a hiring manager and opening yourself up for judgment. This sometimes cause terribly wrong.

1.       I left my previous job because the environment was toxic
and my boss was too demanding.

Basically, no one likes a whiner

2.       'It's so f---ing cold outside.'

Most of us drop the occasional f-bomb

3.       'I've moved around in jobs because I haven't found the right fit/am not challenged enough

It doesn't sound like open communication
4.       What does your company do?'/'Where is your company headquartered?

It's important to spend time preparing

5.       As a manager, I pretty much work alone.

Most successful leaders know that they are only as good as their team.

6.       My group was just like a startup, but inside a big corporation

You do not really understand the realities of a startup environment.

7.       Don’t ask what is your vacation policy?

This question shows you are already thinking about taking a break

8.       Don’t Say 'Sorry, I'm not very punctual

This highlights a flaw like tardiness during your job interview

9.       Don’t ask If You have some beautiful women/men in your office.

This shows a lack of maturity
10.   Don’t Ask 'What will my role be?
Employers are looking for candidates that are agile and can quickly adapt and excel in a growing company

11.   Don’t ask 'Do you have grandkids?'

Use better judgment.

12.   Don’t Say 'I'm a guru/expert

Seems overblown

13.   Don’t say like I haven't updated my blog for a year

People don't need to hear about any commitment or execution

14.   Don’t say  'My only weakness is that I work too hard

Weakness with an overly positive response

15.   Don’t Say I don't have any questions

Looks not interested in questions and answers 

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